Sky Garden tells the story of a young pilot who discovers a plant growing in the clouds while flying in her biplane. She attempts to nuture the sprout and grow more flowers, but is caught in a storm and breaks her arm. After being grounded for weeks, she returns to the clouds to find a wildflower meadow where she is able to take a moment to enjoy the fruits of her labour.

The chacaters and vechiles are very UPA and 1950’s inspired with the backgrounds being softer with watercolour textures and bleeding effects which looks very Studio Ghibli-esque. This style allows for the characters to stand out and the settings to have thier own idenity in the story. Bessie Coleman’s story was also an influnce for the pilot character and the world, especially in the industrialised city.

I wanted to tell the story in colour as much as I could with each setting being represented with a specific colour pallete. The colour starts out bland then begins to ramp up until the storm, with the hope and vibrancy of the world vanishing before returning in full force for the ending.The city is greys and browns with no greenery or vibrancy, the sky is open and bright and the meadow at the end is a soft rainbow with the hues blending together.


The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew

